One + One = TWO!
I thought I would share our exciting news with those of you who don't already know. We are expecting again!!! Samantha will be three in March, and we will be having a new little one in July. We are so excited! I am in my 13th week and we have already been to the doctor twice. At 9 weeks, we were able to see the baby's heartbeat with an ultrasound. We went back yesterday and were able to hear the heartbeat. He/she is growing normally and everything is going great. This pregnancy is so different than with Samantha. It is really like night and day. With Sammi I was so sick all the time. With this one, the sickness is manageable and not that often. Yesterday, our doctor told us that at our next appointment, he will be able to tell the sex of the baby. That is only four weeks away! I keep asking Sam if she wants a little brother or sister, and the answer changes daily. I think she will just be so happy to have a baby in our home. I will keep you all posted!!!
I am so excited for you! Congratulations!
This is so exciting Stef! I can't wait to have a new niece or nephew!!! Yay!
Yay! That is so exciting! Congratulations! I can't wait to hear what your having... so fun! YAY!!
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