Monday, October 27, 2008

So ever since Sammi turned about 15 months, she has been throwing tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants. I think most of it is because she just doesn't understand that she can't do certain things like play in the garbage can. Anyway, whenever I say "no", she throws a fit because she knows she is in trouble. She usually bangs her head on the wall (I am serious, she really does this) or throws herself on the floor and screams. We talked to her doctor about it and he said that this was normal. He told us to just ignore the behavior and it should get better. Well, the other day she threw a huge tantrum at the park. I took her there to get out of the house and she was having such a fun time. There were a couple of other moms with kids there and she was having a blast playing with them. Well, she spotted the drinking fountain and wanted a drink. I gave her one and she decided she wanted to play in it. I let her a little bit and soon her clothes were soaked. So I put her down. She still wanted to play with the water, and I told her "no". So she threw a huge fit in front of all the moms and kids. She threw herself on the cement floor and just screamed. I was so embarassed. All the moms were looking at her and me. One of the moms told me I was handeling the tantrum well. So after a few minutes of this, I decided we were going home. Then she didn't want to get in her stroller and threw a big fit over that! I eventually made her get in and took her home. I was so embarassed!
So I just wanted to give a big hats off to all the moms who have to deal with toddlers throwing fits in public! I know exactly how you feel and honestly, I don't know if it gets any better. And those of you who have kids that are not toddlers yet, all I have to say is watch out!