Christmas 2007
Part 1: The Worsley Christmas Party
Every year, we go to the Worsley Christmas party with all of Kyle's siblings and their kids. We have dinner, a program, play games, and open our exchange gift. For the program, the kids usually dress up and act out the nativity scene. Sammi's cousin who is a week older, Jace, was baby Jesus. After the program, we played a white elephant game. Sammi won an Easy Bake Oven. We had a lot of fun.
These are all the grandkids who participated in the Christmas program. They are sitting with Great-Grandma Chapman.
Part 2: Christmas Eve at Doug and Crystal's house
My family went to my brother Doug's house for Christmas Eve. We had dinner and played games. Later, Sammi and her cousin Avery changed into their Christmas pajamas.
We opened presents Christmas morning. Sammi was so excited that she kept waiving her hands and arms. She got lots of toys, a new outfit, and socks and tights for Christmas. She loved her toys and wanted to play with them.
This is our Christmas tree. Every year we get a new ornament to add to the tree. This year, we got a baby ornament for Sammi for her first Christmas.
Sammi is in her car seat ready to go to Grandma & Grandpa Worsley's for Christmas breakfast.
We took pictures of Sammi in her Christmas pajamas and Santa hat. She looked adorable.
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