6th Month Pictures
My sister, Laura, was in town last week with her son, Elijah. My family decided to have pictures taken of the three grandkids at Kiddie Kandids. So my mom, sister-in-law, and I went shopping a few weeks ago to get matching outfits. The day of pictures came and it was a nightmare. We were there for 3 hours and all the grandkids were so cranky. Sammi pretty much screamed the whole time because she was tired and hungry. Plus it didn't help that she didn't like the girl who was taking the pictures. We were supposed to have a picture of all three grandkids together, but that didn't happen. We finally had to do individual pictures. Sammi eventually fell asleep on my shoulder and that is how we got any pictures of her. What a day! Even though it was three hours of torture, her pictures turned out pretty cute.

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