Monday, May 28, 2007

It is nap time! These are some pics of Sammi taking a nap. She is so adorable!

These are pictures from Mother's Day. It was a very special day for me because it was my first Mother's Day. Sammi is wearing an "I Love Mommy" outfit.

We had fun one night putting my sunglasses on Sammi. She looked hilarious! We just laughed and laughed!

Samantha with her new cousin Jace. They are only a week apart.

One thing that Sammi loves to do is suck on her little hands. She always has them in her mouth.

Monday, May 7, 2007

On May 6, 2007, Samantha Jean was blessed by her father, Kyle. It was a very special day and a beautiful blessing. She didn't even cry! Her blessing dress was made by her mommy and Grandma Worsley. She looked beautiful in it and we will never forget this precious day.

Sammi with the Lindemans

Sammi with Grandma and Grandpa Lindeman

Sammi is waving at everyone!

Sammi with Grandma and Grandpa Worsley

These are pictures of Sammi in her new pink dress. We took them for her arrival announcements.

Sammi all bundled up and asleep at Grandma Lindeman's house.

Samantha in her car seat as we go to Grandma Lindeman's house.

Sammi looking at Uncle Matt. She isn't quite sure what to think of him.

Samantha smiling as we talk to her! She is so cute!

Samantha and daddy taking a nap. She looks so precious in her papa's arms!

This is Samantha on her ride home from the hospital. She looks so tiny in her car seat.

Sammi with Doug, Crystal, and cousin Avery.

Sammi with Aunt Val.

Sammi with Grandma Lindeman.